Congratulations Olga on your Pro Bono Publico Service Commendation

WSBA LogoOur great attorney, Olga V. Blotnis, received a letter from Patrick Palace, the president of the Washington State Bar Association Board of Governors, commending her on her pro bono services.  We are so proud of Olga and the service she provides to the community that we would like to share the letter she received.

Dear Olga:

This past year you contributed more than 50 hours of your time to providing pro bono services.  Whether the service was to low- and moderate-income citizens of our State or through Bar Association volunteer work, you went above and beyond your normal life and work duties to provide this much needed and appreciated service.  On behalf of the Washington State Bar Association, I want to thank you.  You have demonstrated to both your colleagues in our profession and to the community at large that providing pro bono services is not just something that we say we should do, but in fact is something that we as lawyers actually do.

It takes a real commitment and belief in access to justice for someone to devote 50 or more hours of one’s time in a year to helping those less fortunate.  I know you are aware that the people you have served have been desperate for that help, particularly in these difficult economic times.

You have undoubtedly experienced the great pride and satisfaction that comes with giving of yourself and being in service to others.  I not only hope that you will continue your commitment to volunteering and providing pro bono legal services this year and in future years, but that you will share your experiences with your colleagues and encourage them to follow your example.

Once again, thank you for your commitment and contribution to equal access to our justice system.

Patrick Palace

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